Standards Based Report Cards
The purpose of a Standards Based Report Card is to provide parents and students with a clear communication tool when reporting academic achievement. At Weedsport Elementary, we are committed to providing students with rich and consistent academic opportunities that will prepare them as they progress in their academic careers.
Features of our Report Cards
Our report cards are aligned to current New York state standards and reflect updates in our curriculum and instruction. Parents will find:
- Category titles and descriptors reflecting the New York state Learning Standards
- Grading keys reflecting student progress toward State and district standards
- Learner behaviors reflecting student skills necessary to be a successful learner
Standards Based Report Cards Components
There are four essential components of a standards-based system:
- The content standards outlined by the New York State and District Standards that describe what a student should know and be able to do at an identified point in time
- The standards-based curriculum that a teacher uses to ensure that classroom instruction targets these standards
- The assessments that a teacher uses to measure learning and the extent to which a student has met each standard
- The communication tool that allows a teacher to report accurately a student’s progress toward meeting standards four times throughout the school year